آموزش پایه ای جاوا Spring JPA order by query
Spring JPA order by query

1. Overview

This article is about Spring JPA order by the query, we will explain here soring data with ascending and descending order using spring JPA.  While working with relational database Order By is clause using that we can perform sorting the records, the order can be either ascending or descending based on our application requirement we can apply the order, another important is that we can apply to order in a single column or multiple columns in multiple columns both columns might be in the same order or each column has different order, in the below examples we have tried to explain the possibilities of sorting data:

I like to explain that,  If we do not specify any order then database by default will not apply for any order. It might be possible that if we execute the same query without order it may return the result in different seqence both the times, Database may return records in any sequence it will not give any guaranty so we working with paging that time we must specify the order, When we are working with paging and do not specify the order then it might be possible that when we move to another page we may get the same records which already been seen in previous pages.